e-Learning : Eating Well – Japanese Food (Asian) Oriented-
Presented by
Momiji / JSS / Yee Hong Centre
Wed. April 9th 2025, 3:00 – 4:15 pm ET
(English with Japanese Interpretation)
The first session of March of our e-Learning seminar series hosted by Momiji Health Care Society and Japanese Social Services (JSS), joined by Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care to learn about healthy eating. *Held in English with Japanese Interpretation
What is this session about?
We are what we eat. Food has the potential to fuel our body, to prevent diseases, to promote healing, and to bring people together. This presentation will have a focus on Japanese diet and will discuss:
- The benefits of eating healthy
- What constitute healthy eating
- How should we space our meals and snacks
- What is glycemic index and how to choose foods with lower glycemic index
- How much fluid do we need in a day and what fluids should we choose most often
- Services and programs that are available at SCHC
About our Guest Speaker
Presenter: Janny Wan (Title: Diabetes Dietitian Educator)
Janny has been working as a Registered Dietitian for the past 14 years. As a Certified Diabetes Educator at the Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities (SCHC), Janny has been helping people living with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes to establish healthy lifestyle. Janny likes playing badminton and trying new foods from different cultures. Japanese food is one of her favourite cuisines.
Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities (SCHC)
SCHC is a non-profit organization founded in 1977 and is one of the most established and comprehensive community health organizations in Ontario. We provide comprehensive, focused health programs and services to improve the holistic overall health and well-being for our community. These include offering primary care, health screenings, supporting mental health, meals-on-wheels, children and youth programs, palliative care, bereavement program, and addressing neighbourhood safety. We work closely with our community members, and foster partnerships with initiatives that address pressing needs while setting new standards of excellence.
How to Attend
Anyone interested can attend but pre-registration required. Click the registration button below, and fill and submit it by two days before the session date (Mon, Apr 7). If you have difficulty using online registration system, feel free to contact the hosting agency.
(Registration Form will open from the button above)
Those who registered, will receive an invitation email with the Zoom link and ID/Passcode, by a day before the session date from the hosting organizations. Check your junk box if you can’t find it in your inbox – Email us if you don’t see it anywhere.
1. Auto-email (to confirm what you filled) right after registration
You will receive a confirmation email from the system right after you “Submit” your form (this receipt does not contain the Zoom URL). Make sure to type correct email of yours. If you don’t see it, check your junk folder first, then contact JSS / Momiji.
2. Your Zoom display name should be recognizable to the host
Upon joining, please display your name on Zoom in ways we recognize that you registered. For example, instead of using nicknames or initials, include your first and/or last (e.g. Hanako Y, H. Yamada, Hanako Yamada) . We may not be able to allow you to enter for security purposes if we can’t recognize your name. We’ll show you how to change the display name 5 minutes before the session start.
※Contact JSS/Momiji if you don’t know how to change your Zoom display name.
- Momiji Health Care Society(Chikage):416-261-6683 x.244 / ciw@momiji.on.ca
- Japanese Social Services (JSS) (Rumiko):416-385-9200 / programs@jss.ca
Zoom – First Time?
If this is the first time you are trying out Zoom, we are more than happy to help you out with downloading and using Zoom, while connecting with you via phone. Please contact us as soon as possible, to book your practice session. *Availability may be limited depending on the number of requests.
**Please note that we most likely can’t help you connecting Zoom on the day of the seminar due to limited staffing. We encourage you to book us for the separate practice prior to the seminar date.
This eLearning series is:
- Provided by:Momiji Health Care Society、 Japanese Social Services (JSS), Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care
- supported by Family Talks Forum (FTF)