PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: Updates from David Ikeda
David Ikeda, JSS President
Happy Canada Day from JSS!
It has been a busy spring season for us here at JSS.
On June 10, we participated in our largest annual fundraiser, the Toronto Challenge. For us, the “T” in Toronto stands for Toke, as in JSS Board Member, Toke Suyama. It is Toke’s Challenge. He is the man who has consistently and by a wide margin fundraised the largest amount of money at this event for well over a decade now.
Thanks largely to Toke’s efforts the 2018 Toronto Challenge raised over $1,800 for JSS. To all the walkers, runners, and donors: we are so appreciative of your support of Toke, JSS, and all the individuals and families that JSS serves.

JSS at 2018 Toronto Challenge
On June 13, we had our Annual General Meeting. Thank you to everyone who attended. If you were not able to attend the meeting, I encourage you to talk with our Board Members and Staff. The upcoming JCCC Summer Festival on July 14 is a great opportunity to do so. All our Staff and Board Members will be working alongside our indispensable volunteers at the JSS booth. We would love to serve you some delicious food and help you to better understand what we do here at JSS.
We are very grateful for the support we receive from our community. Shoko-kai member companies recently made a large donation. Shoko-kai Secretary General, Mr. Yosh Ito, even asked how his organization could help us further. We are very thankful for the support from Shoko-kai and the many other organizations and individuals that make such valuable contributions to JSS. More than the money, it is the sense I have that leaders and others in our community, with whom I have spoken, genuinely care about the people we serve and the work we do. Indeed it is the lifeblood that keeps us going.
All of us here at JSS wish you a safe, prosperous, and fun summer.