Toronto_Challenge_Banner_2014By David Ikeda
JSS raised another large amount of money at this year’s Toronto Challenge thanks to the hard work of Toke Suyama and the generosity of JSS supporter Mits Ito. Although the money is still coming in, the total raised up till July 7 was over $19,000.
Toke Suyama as you may already know is a long serving board member of JSS as well as an occasional counsellor. For over a decade, Mr. Suyama has walked the five km route and more importantly canvassed his friends, family, neighbors, and people he would meet at community or Japanese Canadian church events.
He was joined again this year by his friend Mr. Ito. The latter through his leadership role with The Salden Foundation and Nelson Arthur Hyland Foundation donated $15,000.
Other notable participants included many board members including President David Ikeda, Vice-president Kiyoshi Dembo Fundraising Chair Junko Yamamoto, Past President Takeo Maekawa and Mrs. Maekawa, and staff Yoshie Shimizu and counsellors Tak Kuge and Junko Mifune. Both counsellors brought their partners, and in Mr. Kuge’s case his children as well. Also on hand was longtime supporter Sid Ikeda
The Toronto Challenge is an annual event whereby participants either walk or run one or five kilometers through downtown Toronto for a charity of their choice. The event occurred this year on the morning of June 8. The main purpose of the event is to help local charities serving seniors an opportunity to raise money. The city pays for all of the advertising of the event as well as providing the venue, volunteer support, police and even water stations for the thousands of walkers and runners who wind their way through the normally busy University Avenue and Bay Street of downtown Toronto.
DSCN5290140608 TC After goal
140608 TC Preparation 140608 TC Ms. Mifune and Ms. Shimizu finishing