Online Session: COVID-19 & Face Masks

Presented by Momiji & JSS

**New: Date (English session) has changed to Aug 5**

1-hour online session (Zoom) to learn about face masks with regard to COVID-19 from geriatric nurse, will be co-provided by Momiji Health Care Society and Japanese Social Services (JSS), in English, on Wednesday, Aug 5 from 2 pm.

What is this session about?

How much do you know about a face mask?
This online session is to learn about what kinds of masks can protect you including tips of choosing a hand-made mask, how to wear it properly. Great timing to learn as some municipalities in Ontario, including Toronto, are establishing by-law to mandate wearing a mask.
Guest Speaker: Yuka Okada (nurse at Momiji Health Care Society)

Session Date

Wednesday, August 5 at 2 – 3 pm
**The same session is held in Japanese (July 15): To register the Japanese one, go to the Japanese page (click 日本語 from the top right corner of this page) of this article.

How to attend?

This is an online session, using “Zoom” the online meeting platform.
Anyone who is interested in can attend, but pre-registration is required by Monday, July 27, at the registration form via the below button. If you have difficulty accessing or filling the form, contact Momiji or JSS.

(Registration Form will open upon clicking the button above)

Once you are successfully registered, you will receive the invitation email A DAY BEFORE THE ONLINE SESSION DATE, which contains the Zoom meeting URL, meeting and password.


  • Momiji Health Care Society (Keiko): 416-261-6683 x.249 /
  • Japanese Social Services (Chie): 416-385-9200 /


Zoom – First Time?

If this is the first time you are trying out Zoom, we are more than happy to help you out with downloading and using Zoom, while connecting with you via phone. Please contact Keiko and book your practice session. *Availability may be limited depending on the number of request.

Want to be a Guest Speaker?

Momiji and JSS are looking for a potential guest speaker for this eLearning series, who can share what they do daily, hobby, etc. in Japanese and English.
Contact us if you are interested in!

This eLearning series is:


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