Cooking with Japanese Chef:Miso-simmered Mackerel (Saba Miso-ni)

Momiji / JSS Present

Aug 25, 2021 (in Japanese) 3 – 4 pm

For the second online seminar (via Zoom) of this month is about “Saba Miso-ni (miso-simmered mackerel). Let’s learn the easier recipe of this easy & homey soul food (to many of us!) and some tips to acquire and deal with mackerel.

What is this session about?

Fresh and yummy fish dishes are always warming our heart, especially for us moved from the island of Japan, surrounded by ocean. As much as we love it, some of us may wonder where to get a good fish, which one to get – one whole fish / cut, frozen / defrosted,  timing of defrosting, how to remove bones… Some may feel like it is something they need some confidence. Also, some of us may believe that is something they can’t do it by themselves and buying cans of miso-simmered fish products, which can be often saltier / sweeter than home-made ones (that is me).

This session is about Miso-simmered Mackerel (Saba Miso-ni), with the gentle taste that can be suitable for children to older adult people. It is not only good as is, but also can be the best friend of nice & fluffy steamed rice.  You will learn how to choose mackerel at Asian supermarkets (Chef lives in Toronto so the shop information is limited to the ones in GTA), how to remove bones, and how to cook it with maple syrup which is healthier than refined sugar (**). The guest speaker is a Toronto-based Japanese professional chef, Mr. Toshiuki Ijichi (“Toshi”).

This session is offered in Japanese only; English-only speakers are welcome to attend and observe.


**One of the process of making refined sugar is to separate crystals from other elements. This process eliminates minerals that are originally in non-refined sugar (i.e. brown/black/maple sugar – ones that contains the strong tastes of their original elements).

**Sugar is a type of carbohydrate. Excess consumption of sugar is a concern. It can lead to health issue such as tooth decay and excess calorie consumption (which can lead to overweight and obesity).(Health Canada, 2018

About our Guest Speaker

Professional Japanese Chef:  Toshiyuki Ijichi

Click here for downloading his full bio with photo (in Japanese)

Born in Nagoya, 1973, and moved to Toronto as a working holiday visa holder, after working in IT industry in Japan. During his stay in Toronto, working at a Japanese restaurant inspired him to set a goal as a professional Japanese chef. After this experience, trained and licensed in Japan as a professional chef that also allows him to cook blowfish (fugu). To share his knowledge to spread love to Japanese cuisine, he immigrated to Canada in 2009 and started working as a professional chef in a Japanese restaurant.

He has been actively promoting his vision by utilizing his hobby/skill of Ikebana (with the license of an associate professor of Ogasawara-school Ikebana), decorating his restaurant with his Ikebana works, or featured in TV shows in Toronto, aside from his work as a professional chef in a restaurant. He is one of the opening staff as a head chef of the Japanese restaurant Shoushin (匠心), and has served various celebrities like singers, actors and athletes. With his professional service continued to be offered in that location, he also started new endeavor as a YouTuber in fall 2020. His visions continue to be flourished – he constantly shares the recipe videos and collaborates with various individuals and groups for online food events.

How to attend?

Anyone interested can attend but pre-registration required: Click the registration button below, and fill and submit it by two days before the session (Monday). If you have difficulty using online registration system, feel free to contact the hosting agency (see below).

(Registration Form will open from the button above)

This is an online session, using “Zoom” the online meeting platform. Those who registered, will receive an invitation email with the Zoom link, by a day before the session date from Momiji (Check your junk box if you can’t find it in your inbox, and email us if you don’t see anywhere).


1. Zoom invitation a day before

You will receive a confirmation email from the system after you “Submit” your form (this receipt does not contain the Zoom URL). Make sure to type correct email of yours. If you don’t see it, check your junk folder fast, then contact Momiji or JSS.

2. Your name on the Zoom should be recognizable to the host

Upon joining, please display your name on Zoom in ways we recognize that you registered. For example, instead of using nickname or initials, include your first and/or last (e.g. Hanako Y, H. Yamada, Hanako Yamada) . We may not be able to allow you to enter for security purpose if we can’t recognize your name.


  • Momiji Health Care Society (Keiko): 416-261-6683 x.249 /
  • Japanese Social Services (Chie): 416-385-9200 /

Zoom – First Time?

If this is the first time you are trying out Zoom, we are more than happy to help you out with downloading and using Zoom, while connecting with you via phone. Please contact Keiko as soon as possible, to book your practice session. *Availability may be limited depending on the number of requests.

There will be a 10-min Zoom brief description right before the session, to learn about the tools you can use during our seminar. he functions you will learn here are: Control bar, Raise Hand and Chat. If you would like to attend it, please indicate so in your registration form. *If no one requests, there will be no mini-lecture provided on that day.

Calling for Guest Speakers!!

Momiji and JSS are looking for a potential guest speaker for this eLearning series, who can share what they do daily, hobby, etc. in Japanese and English.
Contact us if you are interested!

This eLearning series is: