Healthy Relationship Workshop
A joint workshop, “Canadian Date Culture: Healthy Relationship” by JSS, JCSA, ACAS and JAVA will be held on Saturday, Aril 23, 2017 from 1:45 to 5:00 p.m. at Asian Community Aids Services, 260 Spadina Avenue, #410, Toronto (Dundas W. x Spadina). It it limited to women only and will be held in Japanese. If you […]
Good news for parents on social assistance who get child support
New rules mean that parents on social assistance who also get child support payments now have more money.
This month’s On the Radar highlights this change. It also talks about some other things that people on assistance should know if they get child or spousal support.
Thank you for supporting our 2016 Holiday Drive!
May we express our sincere gratitude for your generous support of our 2016 Holiday Drive that took place at the end of last year. We would now like to inform you that the Drive has been successfully completed and that the numerous gifts and the heartfelt expressions of goodwill from community members have been delivered […]
Charity Piano Concert Report
By Junko Yamamoto JSS’s first ever major charity concert was a huge success with an audience of near full capacity. It was held on September 24th 2016 at the Glenn Gould Studio featured Japan’s renowned duo pianists Ms. Etsuko Terada and Mr. Kikuo Watanabe In spite of much disruption downtown on the day of the […]
New rules about tips and gratuities
Recent changes to Ontario’s Employment Standards Act (ESA) mean that there are now rules about the handling of tips and gratuities in the workplace. This month’s On the Radar looks at these new rules, including when workers get to keep tips and what they can do to protect their rights.