JSS Program & Volunteer Report
by Chie Takano Reeves (RSW) , Community Outreach Worker / Volunteer Coordinator It has been more than a year since JSS started our online programs in hope of providing opportunities for Japanese Canadian community members to connect. Our volunteers who coordinate our social programs (e.g. seniors singing club, craft club, hot lunch social, easy yoga […]
JSS Program Report – Introducing Two New Programs Currently Underway
It is hard to believe that it has been almost a year since the Japanese Social Services (JSS) had to close down our in-person programs. We moved to online services for the very first time, and kept searching for what we could do while providing at least something and somewhere for the community members to gather tosee each other’s faces and live reactions so everyone could feel connected.
Positive Ageing (1) End of Life Preparation ~ Palliative Care and Advance Care Planning
Presented by Momiji & JSS 1-hour online session (Zoom) each to learn about Depression, will be co-provided by Momiji Health Care Society and Japanese Social Services (JSS), on Wednesday, January 13, 2 – 3 pm. *Held in English with Japanese summarized translation What is this session about? New series, Positive Ageing, begins to offer for […]
e-Learning Session: Anxiety
Presented by Momiji & JSS 1-hour online session (Zoom) each to learn about Depression, will be co-provided by Momiji Health Care Society and Japanese Social Services (JSS), on Wednesday, Jan 27, 2 – 3 pm. *Held only in Japanese What is this session about? Bringing back the guest speaker of well-liked seminar on Depression, psychologist […]
Online Session – Adult Immunization (return)
Presented by Momiji & JSS 1-hour online session (Zoom) each to learn about adult immunization is powered up and back! It will be co-provided by Momiji Health Care Society and Japanese Social Services (JSS), on Sunday, Nov 22, 2 – 3 pm. *Held only in Japanese What is this session about? Flu, tetanus, shingles.. You […]